Concorde Staff

Concorde recently recognized the outstanding work of faculty and staff through its annual awards ceremony. Each of this year’s honorees exemplifies Concorde’s mission and the core values of integrity, respect for the individual, teamwork, customer service, and achievement.
“This year’s award honorees embody Concorde’s unwavering commitment to student success—from the moment they inquire about Concorde through graduation and beyond,” said Kevin Prehn, president of Concorde Career Colleges. “I extend my warmest congratulations to the honorees, along with my sincere thanks to all our faculty and staff for providing exceptional support to our students every day.”
Torch Awards
The highest honor at Concorde, the Torch Award, goes to one faculty or staff member at each location who consistently demonstrates behavior that supports Concorde’s values and creates positive contributions and results. A plaque of the Torch recipient is added to the Wall of Fame at each location.
Tina Terpening, licensed vocational practical nursing instructor, Garden Grove
Charles Do, vocational nursing, practical nursing licensed readiness advisor, North Hollywood
Catherine Ludwig, dental hygiene clinical coordinator, San Bernardino
Henry Madrigal, admissions representative, San Diego
Jodi Dillan, online success coach, Aurora
Lee Kelly, admissions director, Jacksonville
Josh Alvarez, student affairs director, Miramar
Makeala Brittain, online success coach, Orlando
Mark Parker, admissions director, Tampa
Michelle Golden, academic dean, Southaven
Derrick Plain, financial aid director, Kansas City
Christy Burgard, admissions coordinator, Portland
Todd Hollis, online success coach, Memphis
Christina Manton, registrar, Dallas
Aniouka Cuba, financial aid advisor, Grand Prairie
Kelly Balch, dental assistant program director, San Antonio
Campus Support Center
Jacquie Spihlmann, national registrar
Academic Award of Excellence
The Academic Award of Excellence recognizes an instructor and program director who demonstrates outstanding teaching, industry engagement, and support for students and colleagues. Honorees are selected among the Golden Apple Award recipients by the Functional Leadership Team (FLT), who considers factors such as educational excellence, professional development, and mentorship.
Rochelle Mascarenhas, dental assistant program director, Portland
Jason Mowrey, medical assistant instructor, Orlando
Golden Apple Awards
Program directors and instructors are honored at each of Concorde’s campuses. The local campus president and academic dean co-author nominations for each award. Student satisfaction and strong program outcomes are among the selection criteria.
Ariana Hertz, medical assistant program director, Garden Grove
Mike (Mina) Ghabour, dental assistant instructor, Garden Grove
LaToya Rush, surgical technology program director, North Hollywood
Tony Syphus, respiratory therapy instructor, North Hollywood
Enid Jimenez, surgical technology program director, San Bernardino
Gyvanee (GIGI) Sombath, dental assistant instructor, San Bernardino
Toni Harrington, dental assistant program director, San Diego
Anh Tran, dental hygiene instructor, San Diego
Wayne Stellick, radiologic technology program director, Aurora
Alexa Williams, diagnostic medical sonography instructor, Aurora
Anita Jennings, diagnostic medical sonography program director, Jacksonville
Eve Ottis, dental hygiene instructor, Jacksonville
Mia Volker, pharmacy tech program director, Miramar
Lana Palacios, dental assistant instructor, Miramar
Camille Wright, medical assistant program director, Orlando
Jason Mowrey, medical assistant instructor, Orlando
Cecelia Holmes, respiratory therapy program director, Tampa
Michelle Massie, dental hygiene instructor, Tampa
Shaquilla Hale, medical assistant and medical office professional program director, Southaven
Jessica Jones, massage therapy instructor, Southaven
Michelle Zautner, director of nursing education, Kansas City
Sharlyn Mills, dental assistant instructor, Kansas City
Rochelle Mascarenhas, dental assistant program director, Portland
Daniel Del Arroyo, medical assistant instructor, Portland
Kendra Armstead, respiratory therapy program director, Memphis
Chelsea Hartigan, licensed readiness advisor ASN, Memphis
Lourdes Saldivar, medical assistant and medical office administration program director, Grand Prairie
Zachary Armijo, surgical technology instructor, Grand Prairie
Ashley Morris, physical therapy assistant program director, Dallas
Leesa Thompson, licensed vocational practical nursing instructor, Dallas
Marissa Weaver, medical cardiovascular sonography program director, San Antonio
Ana Atkins, medical sonography clinical director, San Antonio
Sherpa Award
The Sherpa Award is named for the elite Himalayan mountaineers who serve as guides through the peaks and passes in the region, particularly for expeditions that endure the extreme altitudes of Mount Everest. Their help is essential for successful expeditions.
The award is given to the collective members of a home office department whose technical support and expertise help ensure that all of Concorde’s schools “reach the summit.” The department honored this year is Financial Aid in the Campus Support Center.